Ludwick Nursery School


School to School Support

We have a longstanding history of partnership work with HFL (Herts for learning) providing brokered services for school improvement. We have a realistic understanding of the challenges that schools and settings can encounter; we provide expertise and support which impacts provision and outcomes through direct work and staff training.


Through Alban Teaching School Hub we support the delivery of the NPQEYL. The National Professional Qualification for Early years Leadership was launched in Autumn 2022 and is open to leaders from the state and PVI sector. This professional development course is a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills, knowledge of high-quality care and education and network with other leaders from the early years sector. For more information:

Initial Teacher Training

We have been delivering ITT training since 2017.

Acorns work in partnership with Alban Teaching School Hub  ITT provider to deliver ITT training for the 3-7 phase  pathway.

We work with a wide range of primary and nursery schools to provide excellent school placement experience.

Trainees are based at a main host school through their training year, undertaking a second ‘out of phase’ placement at another school.  Trainees are supported by a mentor in their placements schools, as well as being supported by  tutors at Acorns  and Alban TSH teams.

Successful trainees will gain QTS status and in addition to this also study for a PGCE.

Train to Teach – Alban Teaching School Hub (