Ludwick Nursery School


The Role of the Governing Body

Governing bodies are responsible and accountable for all major decisions about the school and its future. Governors have a legal responsibility to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. They set the school’s vision and strategic aims, monitor and evaluate performance acting as critical friend to the headteacher and ensure the school is accountable to those it serves.

Our Governors

Governing bodies are made up of key stakeholders:

  • Parents: parent governors are elected by other parents at the school
  • Staff: (including the headteacher) teaching staff and other staff are elected by the school staff
  • Co-opted:  the governing body appoints co-opted governors
  • LEA: the local authority appoints one or more local education authority governors
  • Associate member: appointed by the governing body as members of the committees. Associate members are not governors and are not included in the instrument of Government
Name Category Current Term of Office Committee Full Governing Body Attendance
Helen Ackerman Headteacher First appointed 07.01.2019 to present Curriculum (3/3) and Resources (3/3) 4/4
Lucy Parker Associate Member First appointed 07.01.2019 to present Curriculum (3/3) 3/4
Sally Laflin Chair of Governors 03.06.2021 to 02.06.2025 Curriculum (2/3) 3/4
Harpreet Sehmbi Chair of Governors 22.10.2020 to 21.10.2024 Resources (3/3) 3/4
Jane Biddulph Vice Chair 05.03.2020 to 04.03.2024 Curriculum (3/3) 3/4
Elizabeth Rose Co-Opted Governor 14.10.2020 to 13.10.2024 Resources (3/3) 4/4
Steven Musk Staff Governor 04.10.2019 to 03.10.2023 Curriculum (3/3) 2/4
Imogen Jayes Parent Governor 11.12.2020 to 10.12.2024 Curriculum (2/3) 1/4
Clare Beckham Co-Opted Governor 07.11.2019 to 06.11.2023 Curriculum (2/3) 3/4
Amma Manning Parent Governor 06.07.2023 to 05.07.2027 Curriculum (3/3) 3/4
Nicola O’Farrell Parent Governor 06.07.2023 to 05.07.2027 Resources (3/3) 3/4
Lesley Boyle Co-Opted Governor


None of the governors has any pecuniary interests.